[Entrepreneurs Impact 19] Journey Gail Eijk

Childhood of Gail Eijk

Today I am not the person I was yesterday, nor am I the person I will be tomorrow.”

Gail Eijk, a mother, grandmother, sister, and author. Born on March 5, 1972, to Eleonora Dragman and Ivan Joemankhan. Gail enjoys a fulfilling life surrounded by her family, including her four cherished grandchildren. She has two brothers and a sister and enjoys hobbies such as exercising in the gym, which has almost become an addiction, she also loves writing poems, reflections, and songs, and enjoys engaging in deep conversations to learn from others, cooking, baking, and connecting with people. Gail is the proud author of two books, “Tranen voor mijn Horizon” and “Splinters op mijn Pad”.

Gail lives by inspiring quotes: “Today I am not the person I was yesterday, nor am I the person I will be tomorrow.” “I seize the day, for tomorrow I do not know who I will be, every change can transform you.”

Gail’s journey has been anything but easy. She faced a challenging childhood, losing her mother early and moving to Suriname with her brothers, where they endured abuse and hardship. She was quite close to one of her brothers, and she laments that their relationship has changed over the past two years. Despite this, she remains resilient, recognizing the strength she has gained from her experiences. Gail attended Shri Vishnu School, Elizabeth 1, and Christus Koning Mulo school, but her education was cut short in the second year of MULO. She then found herself on the streets, fighting to survive through difficult times. However, her love for reading helped her understand and adapt quickly. Gail has continued to grow and develop herself by taking courses and gaining knowledge whenever possible. Gail Eijk’s story is one of perseverance, continuous learning, and transformation. She embraces each day with the understanding that who she is today is different from who she was yesterday and who she will become tomorrow.


Her Impact

Gail found herself on the streets at a very young age and had to leave school to take care of herself and her brother. As a woman at that time, it was easier to find work without a diploma than it was for men. At just 16 years old, she ensured her brother could attend school, providing everything he needed. She worked in various fields to make ends meet. As she started in the hospitality industry, working in a range of bars from modest to upscale. She even hauled cows on her shoulders in a butcher shop and cleaned houses. Gail was never afraid of hard work and always found honest ways to earn money to support herself and her brother. Later, she continued working in butcheries and, in 2005, she joined Apintie, a television & radio station where she worked for 13 years. She then moved to De Surinaamse Televisie Stichting (STVS), where she enjoyed her job but felt it wasn’t fulfilling her purpose. Afterward, she received an offer from SUN Web TV, which she helped establish. Today, she serves as one of the managers at SUN Web TV. Gail believes that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps her journey was meant to be this way so she could share her story and inspire others, demonstrating that no matter what happens, she remains steadfast. Her experiences have not deterred her from her path.

Gail doesn’t consider herself a role model and doesn’t aspire to be one because she believes everyone must learn from their own experiences and strive to be better than they were yesterday. While she can’t control if others put her on a pedestal, she frequently shares her experiences with others. After her first book was published, a group of university students asked to use her story for their graduation project due to the childhood abuse and other challenges she faced, as detailed in her book.


Growth through Experience

I’m rebellious

Back in the day, people had a much more rigid mindset. Women were often viewed as mere objects of desire, and if a woman was seen at a bar, she was quickly judged as promiscuous. Despite these challenges, she managed to stand out and avoid these labels thanks to her strong personality and willpower. Her rebellious nature was her secret to success, even if she didn’t realize it at the time. She would deliberately go against the grain. If people wanted to talk about her, she’d give them even more to talk about. She had her own will, vision, and perspective on things, and as she grew more structured in her approach, she managed to secure the positions she wanted, wherever she went.


Winning the Suriname Popular Song Festival (Suripop XV) in 2008 with the winning composition ‘Ala Ogri e tyar’ wan bung’, sung by Bryan Muntslag, and publishing her first book, “Tranen voor mijn Horizon.” As a young girl, she declared she would one day win Suripop and write a book, and she made it happen. It’s inspiring to see her fulfill her own promises. Gail further states, “You’re a failure if you make a promise to yourself and can’t keep it. “Her goal with her books is primarily to inspire young people. Everyone faces challenges, and everyone deals with them differently. It’s always uplifting when you can inspire others with your story. No matter what situation you’re in, don’t underestimate the impact of inspiration. This is especially evident from the responses she has received for her new book. Every mistake is a lesson, but you must be able to learn from it. You are only a winner if you are not afraid to lose.


Closing Remarks from Gail

When you want to take a step forward, you have to go for it wholeheartedly. You’re only a winner when you’re not afraid to lose. Sometimes, losing can be your greatest gain. The lessons learned are invaluable for your future endeavors. When you get an inspiration, and it feels right, ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with this? Am I harming anyone? Is it fair? What are my goals? If you can answer all these questions positively, then go for it. And if you fall, remember, you can’t fall further than the ground—just get back up and try again.

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