In the realm of business, clarity of purpose is the bedrock upon which successful ventures are built. Every entrepreneur embarking on a new venture or seasoned professional seeking growth understands the importance of defining a clear mission and vision for their business. Let’s delve deeper into why this step is crucial and how it impacts the trajectory of your enterprise. Why Define Your Purpose? Imagine starting a journey without knowing your destination. That’s what operating a business without a defined purpose feels like—directionless and uncertain. Your business purpose encapsulates the fundamental “why” behind your endeavors. It answers pivotal questions such as: – Why does your business exist? – What problems are you solving? – What values and principles guide your decisions? Motivating Your Team A strong sense of purpose isn’t just a statement on paper; it’s a rallying point for your team. When your employees understand and resonate with the purpose of your business, it ignites passion and commitment. People want to be part of something meaningful and impactful. Your purpose becomes the North Star that aligns everyone towards a common goal, fostering a sense of belonging and shared vision. Resonating with Customers and Investors Beyond motivating your internal team, a well-defined purpose resonates powerfully with external stakeholders—your customers and investors. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, consumers gravitate towards brands that stand for something beyond just profits. A clear purpose communicates authenticity and builds trust. Customers are more likely to engage with businesses that share their values and demonstrate a commitment to making a positive difference. Investors, too, are attracted to businesses with a compelling purpose. They seek enterprises that are not only financially viable but also have a meaningful impact on society. A strong purpose signals long-term sustainability and potential growth opportunities, making your business an attractive investment prospect. Crafting Your Mission and Vision Statements Crafting your mission and vision statements is an exercise in introspection and strategic planning. Your mission statement should succinctly articulate the core purpose of your business—its reason for existence. It should be specific, actionable, and inspiring. On the other hand, your vision statement paints a picture of the future you aspire to create. It’s a bold declaration of your aspirations and goals. When drafting these statements, involve your team. Seek input from stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and alignment. In Conclusion Defining your business purpose is not just a box to check; it’s a transformative exercise that sets the stage for success. It’s about clarifying your identity, values, and aspirations. When your purpose is clear and compelling, it becomes a guiding force that shapes decisions, inspires action, and ultimately drives sustainable growth. So, take the time to define your purpose—it’s the first step towards building a purpose-driven business that leaves a lasting impact on the world.
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the digital industry stands at the forefront of innovation and transformation. The realm of digital business encompasses a diverse range of sectors, from e-commerce and digital marketing to cloud computing and artificial intelligence. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, here are some key insights shaping the digital business industry. 1. Customer-Centricity: The digital era is defined by a shift towards customer-centric business models. Companies are leveraging data analytics and AI to gain deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. This understanding enables personalized marketing strategies, tailored products, and seamless customer experiences across multiple touchpoints. 2. E-commerce Revolution: The rise of e-commerce has disrupted traditional retail paradigms. Online shopping platforms have democratized market access for businesses of all sizes, fostering a highly competitive environment. Moreover, the pandemic accelerated the adoption of e-commerce, with businesses investing in robust online infrastructures and last-mile delivery solutions. 3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Data has emerged as the new currency in the digital economy. Organizations are harnessing big data to drive strategic decision-making processes. Advanced analytics tools allow businesses to extract actionable insights, optimize operations, and forecast market trends with unprecedented accuracy. 4. Digital Transformation: The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for digital transformation across industries. Businesses embraced remote work models, cloud technologies, and digital collaboration tools to ensure continuity. This shift underscored the importance of agility and resilience in the face of unforeseen disruptions. 5. Artificial Intelligence and Automation: AI and automation are redefining business operations. From chatbots handling customer inquiries to predictive analytics streamlining supply chain management, AI-powered solutions enhance efficiency and drive innovation. However, ethical considerations surrounding AI governance and transparency remain paramount. 6. Cybersecurity Imperatives: With increased digitalization comes heightened cybersecurity risks. Businesses must prioritize cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyber threats. Proactive cybersecurity strategies are essential in preserving customer trust and ensuring regulatory compliance. 7. Sustainability and Responsibility: In the digital age, sustainability and corporate responsibility are integral to long-term success. Consumers expect businesses to operate ethically, minimize environmental footprints, and champion social causes. Sustainable practices not only enhance brand reputation but also drive innovation and cost savings. 8. Agile Business Models: Agile methodologies are reshaping business frameworks. Start-ups and established enterprises alike are embracing agile principles to adapt quickly to market changes, iterate products based on feedback, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. 9. Collaborative Ecosystems: The digital economy thrives on collaboration and partnerships. Open innovation ecosystems enable businesses to leverage external expertise, access niche markets, and co-create value with stakeholders. 10. Regulatory Landscape: The digital business industry operates within a complex regulatory environment. Evolving data protection laws, antitrust regulations, and taxation policies pose challenges for businesses navigating global markets. In conclusion, the digital business industry is a dynamic landscape shaped by innovation, disruption, and continuous adaptation. Success hinges on embracing technological advancements, prioritizing customer-centricity, fostering agility, and upholding ethical standards. By leveraging these insights, businesses can harness the full potential of the digital age and chart a path towards sustainable growth and competitiveness.
Childhood of Gail Eijk “Today I am not the person I was yesterday, nor am I the person I will be tomorrow.” Gail Eijk, a mother, grandmother, sister, and author. Born on March 5, 1972, to Eleonora Dragman and Ivan Joemankhan. Gail enjoys a fulfilling life surrounded by her family, including her four cherished grandchildren. She has two brothers and a sister and enjoys hobbies such as exercising in the gym, which has almost become an addiction, she also loves writing poems, reflections, and songs, and enjoys engaging in deep conversations to learn from others, cooking, baking, and connecting with people. Gail is the proud author of two books, “Tranen voor mijn Horizon” and “Splinters op mijn Pad”. Gail lives by inspiring quotes: “Today I am not the person I was yesterday, nor am I the person I will be tomorrow.” “I seize the day, for tomorrow I do not know who I will be, every change can transform you.” Gail’s journey has been anything but easy. She faced a challenging childhood, losing her mother early and moving to Suriname with her brothers, where they endured abuse and hardship. She was quite close to one of her brothers, and she laments that their relationship has changed over the past two years. Despite this, she remains resilient, recognizing the strength she has gained from her experiences. Gail attended Shri Vishnu School, Elizabeth 1, and Christus Koning Mulo school, but her education was cut short in the second year of MULO. She then found herself on the streets, fighting to survive through difficult times. However, her love for reading helped her understand and adapt quickly. Gail has continued to grow and develop herself by taking courses and gaining knowledge whenever possible. Gail Eijk’s story is one of perseverance, continuous learning, and transformation. She embraces each day with the understanding that who she is today is different from who she was yesterday and who she will become tomorrow. Her Impact Gail found herself on the streets at a very young age and had to leave school to take care of herself and her brother. As a woman at that time, it was easier to find work without a diploma than it was for men. At just 16 years old, she ensured her brother could attend school, providing everything he needed. She worked in various fields to make ends meet. As she started in the hospitality industry, working in a range of bars from modest to upscale. She even hauled cows on her shoulders in a butcher shop and cleaned houses. Gail was never afraid of hard work and always found honest ways to earn money to support herself and her brother. Later, she continued working in butcheries and, in 2005, she joined Apintie, a television & radio station where she worked for 13 years. She then moved to De Surinaamse Televisie Stichting (STVS), where she enjoyed her job but felt it wasn’t fulfilling her purpose. Afterward, she received an offer from SUN Web TV, which she helped establish. Today, she serves as one of the managers at SUN Web TV. Gail believes that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps her journey was meant to be this way so she could share her story and inspire others, demonstrating that no matter what happens, she remains steadfast. Her experiences have not deterred her from her path. Gail doesn’t consider herself a role model and doesn’t aspire to be one because she believes everyone must learn from their own experiences and strive to be better than they were yesterday. While she can’t control if others put her on a pedestal, she frequently shares her experiences with others. After her first book was published, a group of university students asked to use her story for their graduation project due to the childhood abuse and other challenges she faced, as detailed in her book. Growth through Experience I’m rebellious Back in the day, people had a much more rigid mindset. Women were often viewed as mere objects of desire, and if a woman was seen at a bar, she was quickly judged as promiscuous. Despite these challenges, she managed to stand out and avoid these labels thanks to her strong personality and willpower. Her rebellious nature was her secret to success, even if she didn’t realize it at the time. She would deliberately go against the grain. If people wanted to talk about her, she’d give them even more to talk about. She had her own will, vision, and perspective on things, and as she grew more structured in her approach, she managed to secure the positions she wanted, wherever she went. Highlights Winning the Suriname Popular Song Festival (Suripop XV) in 2008 with the winning composition ‘Ala Ogri e tyar’ wan bung’, sung by Bryan Muntslag, and publishing her first book, “Tranen voor mijn Horizon.” As a young girl, she declared she would one day win Suripop and write a book, and she made it happen. It’s inspiring to see her fulfill her own promises. Gail further states, “You’re a failure if you make a promise to yourself and can’t keep it. “Her goal with her books is primarily to inspire young people. Everyone faces challenges, and everyone deals with them differently. It’s always uplifting when you can inspire others with your story. No matter what situation you’re in, don’t underestimate the impact of inspiration. This is especially evident from the responses she has received for her new book. Every mistake is a lesson, but you must be able to learn from it. You are only a winner if you are not afraid to lose. Closing Remarks from Gail When you want to take a step forward, you have to go for it wholeheartedly. You’re only a winner when you’re not afraid to lose. Sometimes, losing can be your greatest gain. The lessons learned are invaluable for your future endeavors. When you get an inspiration, and it feels right, ask yourself: What do
Childhood of Frans Eersteling Born on February 27, 1963, Frans Eersteling came into the world in Paramaribo. His mother is Albertina Eersteling, and his father is Siegfried Rellum. He is the eldest in a family of five younger brothers and one younger sister. Frans is married, has one daughter and is an actively professing Christian. These are some of the sayings he applies in his daily life:”Piano Piano,” which means ‘gradually’ or ‘little by little’. Another quote he often uses is: “There must be a difference,” which can be interpreted in various ways. ‘As an individual, you can choose to stand out or be unique in a positive way’. ‘Just because everyone does something doesn’t mean you have to do it too’. And finally, “Think before you act”; for him, it means ‘Don’t react, respond’. When responding instead of reacting, you take some time to think. Hence, you remove much of the emotion and replace it with more rationality. His hobbies include enjoying jazz music, reading, gardening, and exercising. Frans has a weekly routine where he exercises with his wife under guidance. They also try to walk about three times a week in the morning. Frans played basketball in the past for the ‘De Schakel’ team. As an active athlete in the past, he played for over 10 years and participated in competitions. With ‘De Schakel’ youth team he became a Youth basketball champion. Over the years he played for a short period in the veterans’ team. From time to time, he shoots hoops with his daughter, who also plays basketball and volleyball. Frans attended primary school at the Richard Voulaire School in Paramaribo. During the intense strikes in 1973, when Suriname was still a colony of the Netherlands, the Richard Voulaire School caught fire. That year saw the largest wave of strikes, during which 13 union leaders who had called for a strike against the ‘Sedney cabinet’ policies were arrested. As a result of the fire, Frans had to attend school in the afternoon. He found this less pleasant because, while everyone else was going home, he had to get ready to go to school in the blazing sun. Fortunately, he only had to do this for a year. He then attended the Zuiderstad School for a year, followed by a return to the Richard Voulaire School. After finishing primary school, he continued his education at the Frowein School, a secondary school. In High school, the Algemene Middelbare School (AMS), he had a life-changing and wonderful period. Frans made lifelong friends and had a whole lot of fun. One of the highlights was meeting people who also listened to and loved jazz, who drew him in. He continued studying History at the Instituut voor Opleiding van Leraren (IOL), the higher teacher training institute. He had completed all the exams and was about to start his thesis when he began working, which prevented him from finishing his studies. After taking a year off, he started the doctoral study in Public Administration at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, which he finished in the late nineties. He later completed his Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at the FHR Lim A Po Institute for Higher Education (FHR). Frans had a unique upbringing. His mother was raised by his godmother, and as his mother’s first child, he benefited from his godmother’s upbringing. With her, he enjoyed much more freedom than in a typical Surinamese upbringing. His godmother had studied in the Netherlands in the 1950s and had very different ideas about parenting, which she applied to Frans. His childhood was very enjoyable, filled with freedom, self-discovery, sports, music, and more. At a young age, he was allowed to attend shows & concerts. He became a teenager during the disco era, so there was a lot of dancing and frequent visits to discos. His Impact It all started at the Ministry of the Internal Affairs with the Central Staff Office & Efficiency unit, an arm of the government responsible for job descriptions, job evaluations, etc., for two years. He then worked at the Ministry of Finance in the Postal Services, now known as Surpost, for another two years. In 1990, the journey of a lifetime began at Telesur, where he served for 33 years and 7 months, experiencing growth in various roles across different departments. Frans has now ushered in his retirement from Telesur. He started working in this company as an Information Analyst in the Automation Department. He then had the opportunity to move to a newly established Telecommunications and Marketing Department, which was initially focused on marketing activities. The department later transformed into the ‘Marketing’ and subsequently the ‘Business Development & Marketing’. When the company prepared for and entered into the era of competitiveness in telecommunication, a special project group was established. This ‘TeleG group’ played a crucial role in readying Telesur for stark competition. Being part of and co-managing this group with regard to mobile, marketing, branding activities and everything related to these, was an exciting, intensive learning experience. Some time hereafter, Frans was appointed Manager of the Business Development & Marketing department. In 2015, after being removed from this position along with 14 other managers, he was transferred to the Strategy department. After several months he was appointed Policy Advisor to the CEO.. He was then requested to manage the transformed department of Business Development. One year prior to his retirement, Frans made his position as Manager of Business Development available to the management. He did this to allow someone else sufficient time for transitioning into this management responsibility and if necessary to receive adequate coaching. This purposefully stepping-back was looked upon in the company as very daring, but Frans was content that the department could continue its work without any management gap or problem. During what was meant to be his final working year in Telesur, he was appointed Policy Advisor of Innovation. Upon a fairly sudden departure of an employee, Telesur needed a manager for the
Childhood of Quemara Louisville Quemara Ramona Louisville was born on December 6, 1992, in Paramaribo, Suriname. She is the eldest child of her mother, Marcia Walden, and the only child of her father, Ramon Louisville. After being the only child for over 9 years and receiving all the attention and energy from her parents, Quemara had to adjust to having two younger sisters in the house. Describing herself as a calm young woman dedicated to love, helpfulness, and positivity, Quemara believes in finding something positive in everything one does. These values are not only imparted to her two children but to everyone she encounters in daily life, be it her sisters, family, colleagues, or students. Her childhood and adolescence were enjoyable for Quemara. She experienced a pleasant upbringing, playing on the streets with friends, and exploring her creativity. Despite a strict upbringing, Quemara had all her needs met, leading her to appreciate things from a young age. In her youth, she engaged in various sports, including Kung Fu lessons with her father and badminton at SCVU. Her father, a lifelong sportsman and retired FIFA referee, tried to interest her in the soccer world, even buying her soccer shoes as gifts. However, soccer did not resonate with Quemara, and she did not pursue a career as an arbiter. Having another child in the house after 9 years was an adjustment for Quemara. Despite initial challenges, she embraced her role with love and responsibility, vowing to support her sisters always. Quemara took the responsibility to simplify study materials for her sisters, so it would be less difficult for them to go through the educational journey, fostering a strong and supportive bond. Their agreement for life is to handle minor disagreements without escalating into major conflicts. As a dedicated student, Quemara did well in school and is currently in the final phase of the Bachelor of Business Administration program at Hogeschool ABC. Due to her competencies, she has been admitted to the Master’s Program in Accounting at FHR program through her work. Despite her calm attitude and academic focus, she was adopted by different peer groups in each class, keeping up a high standard of performance and resisting peer pressure. As the supportive individual that she is, she invested her afternoons and Saturdays supporting and guiding fellow students in subjects where they needed assistance, contributing to collective success in the final year exams. Her Impact From her teenage years, Quemara harbored the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, though she hadn’t yet determined the specific field. At the age of 15, she landed her most memorable summer job, archiving old videos and photos in the administration department. However, her creative and dynamic spirit quickly revealed that these tasks were not her calling. The television department staff noticed the discomfort and swiftly took action. Quemara was introduced to recording and editing tasks, leading her to work at Apintie for over 6 years. Later, she offered her services as a freelancer and gained additional expertise while employed at Intersnap, contributing to many enjoyable times and productions. Quemara started working at a young age, despite her father’s initial disapproval of a steady job. Eventually, she balanced work and studies, exploring various positions. The entrepreneurial spirit persisted, with Quemara constantly seeking ways to make her work her own and exploring freelancing possibilities. Later, Quemara and her mother and sisters started baking together. Observing her mother’s catering business provided insight into operations and planning, further fueling her entrepreneurial aspirations. Eventually, she recognized a demand for assistance with schoolwork and decided to turn it into a business after observing diverse enterprises. Thus, she began helping people at their homes for a small fee, leading to the conceptualization of Upward Institute. Upward Institute was officially launched on December 17, 2022. Offering academic support at all levels, it actively guides and assists students with their studies. Additionally, the institute provides courses on various subjects such as Presentation Techniques, Taxes, Professional Letters, Communication Skills, and more. The teachers, hailing from diverse fields, share their knowledge and skills with the people of Suriname. Upward Institute aims to make a positive impact on the growth and progress of mainly young Surinamese individuals, emphasizing not only education but also social and creative aspects through various organized activities. Quemara is not only the co-founder of Upward Institute but also the founder of KayJi Business Cleaning & Professional Services. Established on December 13, 2023, this cleaning company goes beyond cleaning by incorporating an academy, enabling industry job seekers to acquire skills that go beyond a lifetime of being a cleaner. In addition to her ventures, Quemara has a passion for design. She has designed reports, calendars, certificates, and other documents for various schools and businesses, leading to the creation of Impulse Communication & Marketing Hub. The company fosters communication and collaborations between businesses. Upward Institute is located at Alexander Samuelsstraat 36a in Paramaribo North. Growth through experience “Wang Ogri e Tjar Wang Bung.” As a budding entrepreneur, your life undergoes a transformation in the sense that you have to set things in motion and invest a considerable amount of time in your business, especially if you have a family and a job. Balancing all these aspects can be challenging. Sacrifices must be made, making it crucial for effective communication among all parties involved. Due to the busy nature of various enterprises, Quemara’s relationship suffered, eventually leading to its breakdown. Quemara channels negative thoughts and energy, particularly during stressful times and challenges, into positive energy, investing it in keeping her businesses running. In stressful situations, Quemara strives to focus on positive aspects to attract positivity. This approach has allowed her to dedicate more time and energy to her business, realizing the set goals that will offer Quemara and her children a promising future. Upward Institute has also experienced growth in the business. The number of students has increased from 6 to 20, availing themselves of Upward Institute’s services regularly. Subsequently, there was further growth from 20 to 35
Childhood of Rogier Born on August 1, 1991, to Ingrid Jadi and Ramon Mahangi, Rogier’s family background is rooted in a blend of professional and entrepreneurial experiences. His father, Ramon Mahangi, served at Stichting Machinale Landbouw (SML) in charge of exports, While Ingrid, his mother, focused on being a full-time mother after first pursuing entrepreneurship. In 2015, Rogier tied the knot with his business partner, Vanessa Souda. Their connection traces back to their time at the MULO school, and for over 17 years, they have navigated life together, evolving from friends to life and business partners. Together, they have settled life’s journey, upgrading from friends to business partners. This love story has endured successes and challenges, evolving from youth to maturity and from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife. Raising a daughter, they enjoy the joys of Parenting together. Rogier and Vanessa are an example of a successful relationship, both personally and professionally, breaking the stereotype that couples cannot manage a successful business together. Rogier was born and raised in Tammenga, a neigbourhood in the capital of Suriname. He understands the value of having strong cultural roots. Apart from their joint commercial ventures. For Rogier, understanding one’s origins is crucial, forming an integral part of one’s identity. He believes that as you grow, you discover there is more to life beyond the initial religious teachings received at home. Growing a broader perspective becomes essential. Guided by his cultural background, Rogier incorporates daily quotes into his life philosophy. One such phrase is “Esi fu sjie, ma no esi fu piki,” translating to ‘observe before making a statement or taking actions.” Another principle he lives by is “A ati bron fu tide, leb’en gi tamara,” encouraging the practice of letting emotions settle before responding calmly at a later time. Recognizing that impulsive actions may result from stronger emotions, Rogier emphasizes the importance of a measured approach. Furthermore, his mantra “Te y’e nyang, nyang naga trawan” reinforces the idea of sharing, emphasizing the collective nature of community and cooperation. These principles, deeply rooted in Rogier’s upbringing and experiences, shape his approach to life and guide his interactions with the world. Growing up in Tammenga, Rogier’s childhood was a mix of wonder and joy. In a bustling family of three brothers and one sister, he delighted in the connection, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of business-minded siblings. With their strong bond, they still support each other and fill the gaps where necessary. His early years were filled with excitement through family vacations, energetic games with neighbors, and more. Rogier’s educational journey started in kindergarten at the Prakiki School, went to primary school at Polanenschool, and finished with MULO at Christus Koning School. As he progressed through his schooling, he attended the Algemene Middelbare School (AMS) for his college education before continuing his studies at the IBW University of Applied Sciences to earn an HBO degree. Lastly, at the AKAMA University, he obtained his Bachelor of Science in International Business. From Superhero to Human Rogier once perceived his parents, particularly his father, as superheroes. However, at the tender age of 16, life dealt him a transformative blow when his father suffered a stroke. Witnessing his idol’s vulnerability, Rogier confronted the harsh reality that even superheroes had flaws. This challenging period deepened the bond between father and son, and Rogier took on the joint role of caregiver. In the final months leading up to his father’s passing, they had heartfelt father-son moments together, intense. Despite the pain of loss, Rogier found comfort, knowing his father was finally free from suffering. The everlasting spirit and determination exhibited by his father, Ramon Mahangi, left an enduring impact. Even on his deathbed, Ramon blessed Rogier to forge ahead, carrying invaluable lessons and guidance into every aspect of his life. Rogier’s entrepreneurial spirit flourished from his school days. Known for his trademark of always smelling good, he leveraged this quality to kickstart his business, initially selling perfumes and DVDs while still in school. After A period of time in government service, Rogier realized he had reached his ceiling. In collaboration with his partner, Vanessa Mahangi, they ventured into the import/export of cosmetics, eventually establishing their own cosmetic company in 2015. Their enterprise, Scents of Essence (SoE), extended to diverse branches, including an online marketing platform and a Ritual Shop in Connection Mall. Alongside these ventures, Rogier and his partner delved into the car rental business in 2017, starting with one car and swiftly expanding to three within a few months. The Car Rental operation, growing both locally and internationally, extended its reach to Curaçao, Guyana, and Barbados. Rogier became a shareholder in his brother’s company “AIM Industrial Solutions” focused on construction and electrical installations, later rebranded as Preconsu, a construction company specializing in prefab constructions, renewable energy, and sustainable living. Expanding its wings internationally, Preconsu is making its mark in countries like Guyana and Barbados. Driven by his passion for cars, Rogier ventured into car rentals, while the construction company, fueled by a response to demand, aims to address housing shortages in Suriname. With a focus on providing sustainable homes for young professionals, Preconsu has evolved to meet the needs of entrepreneurs seeking office spaces, catering to those facing challenges of land ownership or insufficient capital. His Impact The first thing to take into consideration before taking action is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For Preconsu, a project goes beyond the typical frameworks of a building company; it is also a Green Investment Foundation dedicated to balancing environmental and human environments. Preconsu is a construction maze that creates a sustainable symphony rather than just laying bricks and beams. Its buildings are adorned with solar panels, which serve as both a stylish accent and an effective means of reducing domestic energy usage. Preconsu operates with a thoughtful knowledge that, in the absence of sustainable steps, we run the risk of permanent consequences due to the rising threat of global warming. As such, each building project is like an
Childhood of Rawle Dundas Rawle Andre Dundas, born in Guyana on October 28th, 1965, shares his life story as a pastor’s kid, flight attendant, and husband with 5 children. His full name, Rawle Andre Dundas, includes the French name Andre, meaning “manly,” he is particular about accentuating the E. Throughout his professional life, he predominantly uses the name Rawle. In more personal settings, particularly from primary school and growing up, he is affectionately called Andy by those who know him well, whether from church or childhood. His father is Rufus Leon Dundas (88) and his mother was Hycinth Dundas. He recently realized that he may have relatives in Suriname when someone bearing his mother’s maiden name, Pickering, reached out to him. Rawle was born in Georgetown, Guyana, and lived there. Rawle Andre Dundas has had the opportunity to travel around the world as part of his first job where he served as a flight attendant from 1984 to 1997 on board the national airline. While working, he also pursued his education, growing up before entering the Adult world. Rawle was deeply involved in church activities, being the child of a former pastor. He actively participated in youth leadership from his teenage years and held the position of head prefect at his high school. A reserved individual by nature, Rawle is quick to step in and help when there is a need or opportunity. Rawle has a happy marriage with his wife, who is in the US while he resides in Guyana. They plan to establish a base and retirement platform in Guyana within the next two years. Despite the distance, they maintain frequent communication and travel back and forth. Rawle, also known as Andy, has four children and one stepchild from his wife. Rawle has siblings and is the second one of four children. His older brother is Leon and he is currently residing in the UK. After a year Rawle came along, Then there’s Denise Bonita, the only girl in the crew and the last sibling is also a boy. Around 2015, they established a family WhatsApp group to stay connected because his brother initially resided in Jamaica, and his younger brother was in Canada. With family members spread across the USA, Grenada, and the UK, they would often visit each other every year or every other year. While they conversed every week, the primary purpose was to foster good communication and maintain strong family ties. Growing up as pastor’s children, many of their activities revolved around the church. With two services on Sunday, occasional Sunday afternoon events, Wednesday and Friday church services, and Saturday visitations, their schedule was quite busy. Despite the church-centered lifestyle, their parents ensured they had a social life, allowing them to engage in sports like cricket, badminton, athletics, and some football. Rawle did not pursue music, but his siblings were musically inclined, with one playing the drums and the others excelling in singing and playing instruments. Family gatherings and activities were common during holidays, creating a strong feeling of unity. As they grew older, Rawle developed a love for leadership and, despite not being very outgoing, he would step in when he saw a need. At the age of 17 or 18, he became the vice president of the Youth Society for the country’s churches, leading to a significant trip to Mexico in 1983. This international experience exposed him to different cultures and perspectives, fostering friendships with people from around the World. To fund the trip, Rawle’s group organized various activities, including grass-cutting, selling secondhand clothes, holding fundraisers, and organizing a concert. The experience not only enriched his life but also taught him valuable skills in planning, project management, and independence at a young age. Despite a tempting proposal to stay in the US during the return journey, Rawle’s commitment to his promise and responsibility to bring back what he learned led him back to Guyana to serve the church. This experience marked a transition out of high school and into the World of work, providing important lessons that shaped his life. Rawle and his team did not have the word “entrepreneurship” back then. However, as he discusses entrepreneurship now, it becomes apparent that they were entrepreneurs at that time. They did not receive sponsorship from churches, banks, or large organizations. Instead, they had to find a way to generate the necessary funds. Rawle and his team engaged in sales, particularly clothing and food, successfully raising the money required to independently travel to Mexico. In the realm of academics and extracurricular activities, Rawle reflects on his experiences, carefully choosing the term to convey that it wasn’t just about fun but also involved significant learning. With a mother who was a teacher, emphasis was placed on completing tasks diligently, striving for excellence, and excelling in school. Primary school, covering grades one to five, proved relatively easy for him, who emerged as a top performer. Transitioning to high school brought new opportunities, sparking excitement about involvement in drama, class leadership, athletics, and even joining the first boys’ choir in the school. Throughout high school, Rawle actively participated in class and house leadership, showcasing his versatility. In the highest level, sixth form, he was elected as the school’s head prefect, indicating his successful engagement in leadership roles. Despite not always performing at the highest level academically throughout high school, Rawle learned valuable lessons. In one term, he did not perform well due to a lack of focus, but the experience taught him the importance of applying oneself. Realizing the need for focus and effort, he bounced back and succeeded in subsequent years. This taught him the crucial lesson that results don’t happen automatically; one must work toward them with dedication. His Impact At the age of 18, Rawle had his first unplanned entrepreneurial venture, gaining valuable lessons from the experience. Despite his parents not being inherently entrepreneurial, he acquired the basics of money and systems management from his methodical father, who held an office admin manager
Childhood of Virgil Niekoop Virgil Niekoop was born on January 9, 1981, in Paramaribo, Suriname. His father, Mario Niekoop, worked at the Hospital (A.Z.), and his mother, Carmen Niekoop-Veldkamp, worked at the insurance company Assuria, formerly known as NEN. Virgil has a sister, Serafija Niekoop, who was crowned Miss Suriname in 1999. The bond between Virgil and his sister is very harmonious, and they always support each other, no matter what. Virgil describes his childhood as very good and peaceful. He was raised in a complete family where his parents were always together. Virgil grew up on Joerawanstraat in Uitvlugt, which was an intimate community (close-knit). He often visited his grandparents at Reeberg (Reeberg is situated near the village Koewarasan in Suriname), which he always looked forward to. At Reeberg, his grandfather was involved in livestock farming and planted Brazilian papaya, which he was the first to introduce in Suriname. Virgil was partly raised by his paternal grandmother, Grandma Ilse Niekoop, who lived in Limesgracht. He spent part of his youth with her as well. Some highlights of his childhood include prankish playful activities he engaged in at the Rodastreet, such as transferring fish from the gutter to his father’s aquarium and catching birds. During New Year’s, chicks were also cruelly killed with firecrackers. But these were all typical childhood activities in which he engaged. At Bernadette School, he was quite a difficult (troublesome) boy and didn’t receive the attention he truly needed. He was seen more as a difficult child seeking attention, which was perceived as troublesome by the teachers at the school. At a young age, Virgil experienced bullying at school he was placed in the “slow” row by the teachers instead of being treated like everyone else. This led to him seeing a psychologist as a young boy. The psychologist provided the necessary support, even visiting the school and informing the teachers of the pedagogical skills that needed to be applied. Despite some improvements, there were still issues with the director of the school. As a precautionary measure from the psychologist, Virgil was transferred to Petunia School. There, the treatment was more pleasant, because as a child, he finally received the attention and support he needed at school. This resulted in him completing classes from the fifth grade of GLO to NATIN, where Virgil studied Land Surveying. His Impact Every weekend while Virgil was a 15-year-old NATIN student, he worked by mowing his neighbors’ gardens. He gathered his school buddies every weekend to work together and earn money because he loved to maintain gardens. Virgil continued to attend school and did this on the weekends and vacations for four years. Virgil requested his mother’s permission to take a year off from school after finishing NATIN so he could explore what he could accomplish with gardening. After working once a week for his own money, now 23 years later, he is a master of his field. It all began for Virgil as a young boy, maintaining his own garden at home, until a neighbor asked him to do hers too. After completing the work, he was rewarded with 1.50 guilders. At the time, that was worth a lot. This reward inspired Virgil that by mowing verges and maintaining gardens, he could earn his own money, so he began mowing verges for neighbors. The payments ranged from 2.50 guilders to 3 guilders, and the most he ever received was 9.50 guilders. In addition to earning money, Virgil was also inspired by his late Guru, his uncle Hesdy Veldkamp. He was fascinated by the way his uncle designed gardens. Uncle Hesdy inspired Virgil by giving him a brushcutter at the time. From a young age, Virgil’s motto was ‘ease serves humanity,’ and he differentiated himself from other gardeners by completely clearing away all weeds and leaving the gardens or verges completely neat and organized. That was the inspiration for Virgil to start a cleaning company, where he would tell his clients to sit back, relax, and work until the customer’s satisfaction was fully achieved. He goes the extra mile to satisfy his customers. Virgil’s Gardening has recently undergone a name change and is now operating under the name Virgil’s Landscaping. The services encompassed by landscaping are quite extensive, and over the years, Virgil Niekoop has expanded his operations. They now offer various services such as garden architecture, earthmoving, planting, delivery of sand types, tree pruning, heavy equipment rental, and more. Growth through experience Virgil’s main goal was to generate publicity in order to increase the popularity of his business. Branding every business equipment in his possession the same color was one of his strategies. This helps differentiate Virgil’s Gardening cars and trucks from others because of their orange-yellow color. The company’s achievements are also related to the way its colors and brand have been seen over time. This presents his abilities and creates a unique brand for him in the community. Getting 600 clients in a month was one of the highlights of Virgil’s Landscaping experience. Since COVID certain tasks have shifted, so there is now less garden maintenance and more focus on heavy equipment as part of the expansion of the business. Another growth aspect that came over the years is that currently, Virgil’s Landscaping has about 30 employees. Finding and attracting the right employees to provide the same quality of work for which Virgil’s Gardening is known for has proven to be one of the company’s challenges. It has been discovered that sometimes the given work does not meet the company’s criteria for quality. Another unpleasant work-related incident that Virgil experienced was breaking his nose when a tree branch fell on his neck when he was chopping it. On another occasion a little miscalculation led to damage to a customer’s roof. He was compelled by all of this to obtain accident insurance coverage for the business but never gave up his faith. Closing Remarks Virgil Golden Rule: Trust your abilities, have faith in yourself, and pay attention
Childhood of Raúl Neijhorst Fawaka! Is always the first thing Raúl says when you approach him. Raúl Neijhorst was born in Paramaribo, Suriname on February 17, 1981, and raised in Balona-Uitvlugt, a neighborhood in the south of Paramaribo, spending a significant part of his adult life in the Netherlands. His parents are Henry Neijhorst, who worked as a civil servant, and Mrs. Neijhorst, who worked as a teacher and is also known to many others. He is in a registered partnership and has two children aged 11 and 9 respectively. Raúl comes from a family of four sons, of which he is the youngest. He has three older brothers and experienced life as an only child at home from the age of 8, as his brothers were abroad for study at that time. He only saw his brothers during holidays. Raúl lived close to the Pa Lefi Sports Hall in Balona, now better known as SCVU, where he played badminton from the age of 11 to 17. Raúl’s educational journey began at Glenn Weiss School, where he attended kindergarten and elementary school up to the first grade. He then moved on to Polanen School, followed by Paulus School, which was also the last year it was an all-boys school. During this time, he had to wait until 3 o’clock every day for his father, who worked at the Ministry of Finance. He didn’t particularly enjoy this arrangement, so after a year, he decided to switch to Christus Koning School, where he completed the second and third grades. By passing the entrance exam, he was able to attend the General Secondary School (AMS) at the age of 14. Raúl was always one of the youngest students in his class. After completing AMS, he was eager to study in the Netherlands. However, his visa was rejected twice. He then enrolled at Anton de Kom University of Suriname (ADEKUS) in the field of Electrical Engineering, while also studying MO-A Mathematics in the evening at the Institute for Teacher Training (IOL) in the same year. In January 2000, Raúl left for the Netherlands to pursue his studies Applied Physics. Raúl’s interest in studying in the Netherlands was more of a logical step, considering the limited options available to Surinamese students: – In Suriname, there are limited choices of studies. – In America, it’s very expensive with language barriers, or one could opt for a Caribbean country, which might be unfamiliar. – In the Netherlands, there’s family support, familiarity with the country, and no language barrier. It was a logical progression that if Suriname wasn’t an option after high school, it would be easier to continue education in a country like the Netherlands where there is family support and no language barrier. Lazy student! Raúl describes himself as a lazy and peculiar student because he consistently scored high marks, ranging from nine to ten, in subjects like mathematics and physics. However, he often received failing grades in Biology, Geography, and History. His passion for technology always stood out, starting from his days at Paulus School and reflected in his grades in technical subjects. In contrast to his studious brothers, Raúl spent much of his adolescence preoccupied with girls. Nonetheless, he participated in the Physics Olympiad twice during his high school years. The first time, he would have preferred to be with his girlfriend rather than attending classes, and in the second year, he didn’t complete the Olympiad at all due to his girlfriend ending their relationship. Despite excelling in Physics and studying it, he never wanted to pursue a career in the field. The beauty of the discipline lies in the fact that physicists, with their developed analytical thinking, are highly versatile and can work in various sectors such as banking, IT, and more. His Impact The world is bigger than Suriname; let’s show Suriname to the world! Raúl has always been fond of gadgets. He has often been occupied with the latest electronic gadgets. In the 2000s, the first digital camera was released, and due to his love for gadgets, Raúl then bought his first digital camera. This is how he started taking photos for fun and became infected with the photography virus. A friend at the time motivated him to do something with it. He decided to delve into photography by reading many books and searching for information on the internet. At that time, he worked at a call center and was fortunate enough to practice with his female colleagues. He also worked in the IT Helpdesk department of the same company, so after all the problems were solved, he still had a plenty of spare time.. He used that time to google and had access to a printing department, allowing him to gather all the materials and read up. During that period, Raúl also moved to an empty student room that he had set up as a home photostudio. And that allowed him to quickly get started with photography. Now, Raúl Neijhorst Fotografie has been around for 21 years with over 5000 clients in the Netherlands, Suriname, Curaçao, and Belgium. The Irony …. Raúl doesn’t particularly enjoy photography itself. Yet, he thrives on connecting with people and revels in socializing with others. Photography is the tool he employs to facilitate that connection. For him, ‘THE EXPERIENCE’ is paramount – ensuring that every client who exits his studio or whose photos he captures elsewhere looks back on the moment and the pleasant experience above the beauty of the photographs. Raúl exclusively captures images of people. He captures: Love, Life, Moments, Happiness, Emotions, Action, Impressions, Beauty. Growth through Experience Steve Armand Fritsche Through many joyful moments, Raúl experienced a significant setback in his life. He had a cousin, Steve Fritsche, with whom he shared many activities. In Holland, he rented the studio together with his cousin. After some time, Steve developed a brain tumor and passed away within a year. They had many plans together, which Raúl now sadly has to carry
Childhood of Jimmy Setrowidjojo Jimmy Setrowidjojo was born on January 27, 1977, into a family that had five children total, four of whom are still living. He is the brother of two brothers and and two sisters, one of the brothers being deceased. Noermie Soetodimedjo and Ruben Setrowidjojo, who held the position of Minister of Social Affairs during the 1980s, are his parents. Jimmy has two kids with his wife. Jimmy didn’t truly grow up with his biological siblings because his parents were divorced. He maintains a strong relationship with his siblings, although they don’t get to see each other as often as they would like. Jimmy is an Associate and a member of the executive board at his church, the ”Baptistengemeente Vrije Evangelisatie”. Like any other student, his enthusiasm for school was mostly focused on recess. He may have been among the high scorers if he had put in more effort. After attending St. Ignatius School, I.P.J. Berkenveld School, and NATIN, where he consciously selected a practical education path in civil engineering, he continued his study. With the exception of the latter, Jimmy subsequently did not finish his schooling at PTC. As one of PTC’s first students, he had to balance his education with his job. Because of his father’s international residency, he was able to study there. Jimmy’s desired job was to become an architect, but he was unable to fulfill this ambition for a variety of reasons, including his inability to further his education in the Netherlands. Jimmy has a background in civil engineering, having studied architecture. His journey began in an architectural firm and continued in construction contracting. In the past, Jimmy worked for the company ‘Bouwbedrijf van Kessel.’ Nowadays, it’s called Haukes Construction, as Haukes Construction acquired the company. Subsequently, he transitioned into steel construction. Additionally, Jimmy has experience in tourism, where he was responsible for maintenance, structures, and designing buildings at Overbridge River Resort for several years. Afterward, Jimmy joined an engineering firm where he spent 15 years honing his skills to become the professional he is today. Following his time at the engineering firm, Jimmy moved to his current position. His Impact He started off in the architectural industry at Architecten Buro Gonsalves en Partners. Bouwbedrijf van Kessel allowed him to be involved in the building of the Hermitage Mall. He moved on to a construction company after leaving Bouwbedrijf van Kessel, where he worked for eight months. After that, he traveled to Overbridge River Resort, where he spent four years using his talents to design and build the complex’s homes, huts, and cabanas. He finally made it to the Civil Engineering Firm (IBT) after around 4 years. He acquired experience and practical understanding about the fundamentals of his line of work there. He worked on projects for Staatsolie and N.V. Energie Bedrijven Suriname in addition to designing, drafting, and constructing the Finabank on Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat. This talented individual views the director of the company as a great mentor, and he attributes his skill development to him. He is currently a Project Manager at Northwestern Metal Working and Northwestern Contractors & Steel, where he is in charge of day-to-day operations. As a Christian, Jimmy values belief in the Creator immensely. He holds a Bachelor’s in Theology from Suriname and plans to pursue a Master’s in Theology to deepen his understanding of the subject. Growth through Experience Jimmy has encountered some challenges in his business dealings. As a result, he has gained the capacity to manage them. At first, he prefers to figure things out on his own. The issue is that he tries to tackle everything by himself before seeking help. This has in the past occasionally led to conflicts with coworkers and/or projects. There have been moments when it got worse, which caused problems for him. But while Jimmy develops this characteristic, he’s also learning how to deal with it and realizing that he can’t do everything on his own and that he needs to appreciate and trust other people for their abilities. A problem with projects could be that they are not completed in the specified time frame. Jimmy remains challenged with communication, something he is working on to improve in order to establish lasting relationships with stakeholders and partners. The number and size of the projects at Northwestern clearly reflect the institution’s growth. There has been a noticeable rise in the number of projects after the disruption brought on by COVID in previous years, which led to project blocks. Closing Remarks from Jimmy As a believer, it is very important for Jimmy to start everything he does, even his day, with the Lord Jesus Christ. As a human being, it is important to be honest at all times. Try to do everything from a pure heart, knowing why you are doing it. Besides doing it for yourself, you also do it for others and the next generation. Try to think of your fellow human beings in everything you undertake. Especially consider the long-term consequences and the sustainable developments or solutions that the actions bring about. Let us do everything from a pure heart. Not everything revolves around money, and it is important to know that well-being is more important than wealth in terms of finances. Wealth can certainly contribute to well-being, but we must not lose sight of the fact that well-being is above wealth if we want a healthy community. It is important to find satisfaction in everything we do. Success is not only measured by quantity. Rather strive for excellence than what humans consider success. Entrepreneur’s Impact Entrepreneur’s Impact: Your weekly source for entrepreneurial stories, insights, and inspiration by OneShot International. Join us for impactful founder stories. expert advice and solutions to global issues. Stay tuned for our weekly blog covering Entrepreneur Impact, Ideas & Opinions, and News & Media. Thank you to our OneShot community. Don’t miss our next story next Sunday! Visit the digital platform here www.oneshot.sr, and join the International community of entrepreneurs